The Quaker Parrot (Monk Parakeet) may be the best Parrot.

THE Quaker's speaking ability is considered by many, to be in the Top Ten of Speaking Birds. Many of the more popular Parrots, don't have much of a personality. They may speak a bit clearer, with a few more phrases, but personality? Not so much!
This little guy will keep you on your toes.................... What's that your eating? I want some!.....Where you goin'? Take me with you!!!!! I Love to sing!! Teach me a song. The Nest Building is Unique to the Quaker Parrot (monk Parakeet). Give him some materials, and watch him go!
Don't let your Shepard, or Siameese around!!! They'll be chased down the hall, by this little bundle of feathers.

The Quaker's speaking ability is astounding!

SMOOCHES' cage cover is an orange towel. He knows it as "My Baby". Time appropriate, he says, "You got my Baby", "Here's your Baby", "We go Beddie-Bie". It's now time for "Peek-a-boo".
The "Time Appropriate Speech" is rare to any "Mimicking Birds" While the Quaker does mimic many sounds , there are many things you may hear from the Quaker, You won't hear from most other Parrots.
While your washing your hands, or maybe some Vegies, "Whatcha doin'". Maybe if you leave the room, "Where ya goin'", "I Love You", "I miss You", or maybe just a "big wet kiss". We can't forget "Come 'ere"!!!!
The Quaker Parrot is definitely a "HUGE PARROT, in a TINY BODY"
If your thinking about placing a bird into your home, don't overlook "The Quaker Parrot"!

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

About The Quaker Parrot

About The Quaker Parrot

The QUAKER PARROT is a fairly large PARAKEET, or a fairly small PARROT, depending on how you view it.

 I called the place of purchase of SMOOCHES, and they told me, because of the shape of the beak, and the long tail, the "QUAKER" is a "PARAKEET"). Quaker Parrots are known for their ability to mimic sounds, and human speech. While the QUAKER'S speech, may not be as clear as the "AFRICAN GREY", or some of the "AMAZONS", the QUAKER is considered to be in, "THE TOP TEN SPEAKING BIRDS".

The QUAKER PARROT is 10-12 inches in length, and weighs 90-130 grams. While there are several new, an exciting varieties, the QUAKER PARROT is mostly green. The forehead, chin, breast, and belly, have varying shades of gray to blue-gray. The flight feathers, and the underside of the tail, are usually a deep blue. The under-belly, thighs, and sometimes the upper-inner-shoulders are a pale yellow-green. The beak is yellowish-brown. The legs are gray, and the iris is dark brown.
(In the NORTH MIAMI area, I've seen what I thought were QUAKERS with, DEEPER THAN CARDINAL RED, around their ears, graduating down each side of the neck, and on their wing tips (maybe this is a new variety, or who knows, a new species!!!!!!) Recently I've discovered, they may have been some type of Conure. I'll be on the lookout for some pics.

  I got pics!!! I think they're "Cherry-Heads"


Myiopsitta monachus

The QUAKER PARAKEET originates from South America. In particular, ARGENTINA, BRAZIL, PARAGUAY, and URUGUAY.

The "MONK PARAKEET" was transported to the US, and parts of EUROPE, thru the '70's, '80's, and less in the '90's, to present. The wild "MONKS" through-out the AMERICAS, and EUROPE, are due to "shipments being lost, and or opened", "the release of unwanted pets", or the "escape of pets". The "FERAL" QUAKERS can generally be found in low-lying areas, within cities, or suburbs. (QUAKERS seem to love being near HUMANS, not likely to be found out in the wild).

QUAKER PARROTS generally make their homes in trees, although, it's not uncommon to find them nesting in utility poles. For this , and other reasons, they have been banned from some STATES.

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Habits and Needs

The QUAKER PARROT is a fun loving, energetic creature. Quakers love their toys, swings, bells, etc.

QUAKERS need to be kept occupied. Spend as much time with your QUAKER now, as you think you can, for the next 20-30 yrs. Spending lots of time in the beginning, and less later in life, will leave your QP wondering why you have abandoned him. Move their toys around. Add new toys, take old toys out of the mix. QUAKERS destroy their toys. The toys they destroy the most, are probably the ones they like the most. Don't replace them with the same toy, but something similar. Change will keep the QUAKER occupied. Spend time with your QUAKER. The more time you spend playing, and talking, the more he will want to spend with you, playing , and talking.

While the QUAKER is a very "socialistic creature", in nature, it can be very "anti-socialistic" in captivity. The QUAKER can be very dominizing. (is that a word?) "DON'T REACH INTO MY CAGE!!!", "DON'T TOUCH MY TOYS", "DON'T TOUCH MY FOOD/WATER ", etc.. It's very important to let "any pet in your household" know, "I'M THE LEADER!!!!!!!!!!!" ALWAYS KEEP YOUR QUAKER/BIRD BELOW YOUR HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The higher in elevation, the higher in rank!!!!!!!!!!!!

Example:..... Just a couple of days ago, I was at a clients house. They have an elderly, unstable, Dalmatian.
Over a few days, I've created some kind of bond with the dog. I've given him no reason to fear me, and I've made it clear, that I don't fear him. I was sanding, scraping etc....... up and down the ladder. No
problems to be found. Then out of the blue, I was down on my knees, cleaning the floor, and "he" realized, I'm "HIGHER THAN YOU!!!!!", "NOW I'M IN CHARGE!!!!!!"
He started growling, and barking, then I stood up, took a breath, and without a word, just my body language, and focus on the outcome (that's how animals speak to each other), let him know, "I'M IN CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!" He calmed down, and we got along fine.

This little bundle of feathers "CAN DOMINATE YOUR LIFE", if you let him. On the other hand, this little bundle of feathers can bring such joy into your life........ Mid-day, when he doesn't know
your around. He'll start saying everything he knows to say............jabber, jabber, jabber. It's comical, sometimes hysterical. Talking, singing, whistling........just hide around the corner, you might here him say, something ,you didn't know he could say!!!

To sum it up, I leave you with a thought from VIKIE FRAZIER; ""LOVING LITTLE NIGHTMARE"". Vikie, I couldn't have summed it better if I tried!!!!!!!!!!!


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PetSmart - Wild Bird

Quaker Parrot Diet

Your QUAKER’s Diet

The Diet For Your QUAKER PARROT Is Very Important.

The Quaker Parrot, in it's natural habitat, generally eats fruits, vegies, seeds, berries, nuts, and insects. In captivity, your QUAKER PARROT's diet should be pellets (24-7), fresh vegies, fresh fruits, and fresh water. Millet, and seeds should be considered treats.

Your Quaker will eat about 2-3 tablespoons of pellets per day.

Supplement the pellets with about a tablespoon of fresh vegies, around the same time each day, and a small amount of fruit 2-3 times a week. Uneaten, fresh foods should be removed after an hour, or so. We don't want to get him sick with Healthy Foods gone bad.

Always change your QUAKER's food, and water, daily. A clean environment, is a healthy environment.

Quaker Parrots love a wide variety of Human foods. Take a look at my chart of healthy foods.

Pellets can be found at your local pet store, and on my FOOD page. The varieties are pretty simple. SMALL BIRDS, MEDIUM BIRDS, LARGE BIRDS. The dietary needs for your QUAKER, are basically summed up here. Talk to your local specialist, about which is best for your bird.   Hand fed BIRDS are raised on a very specific diet, gradually weening them into the "pellet program". Once your QUAKER is weened, he may take to "people food" (fruits, vegies, meats, pastas, etc.) quickly. Some QUAKERS seem to not be interested in people food at all. "Just give me the pellets"!!!!!

Encourage your QUAKER to move on. Place small samples of vegies, fruits, etc., in the food dish. Nibble on the food, directly in front of him. Make it seem "fun", "exciting", "enticing". Rub a little of the juices on his beak, so he can get a taste. Caution: Don't do this in a pushy manor!!!!! Your QUAKER loves to play. Turn it into a "GAME". If your too pushy, you will be taking steps back, instead of forward.

Vegeies should be provided morning, and evening. Remove left overs after about an hour , or so, to prevent bacterial contamination. Fruits are generally high in sugar content. Keep the fruits down to a couple times a week, and small quantities.

QUAKERS are prone to "fatty liver disease". This can greatly reduce your QUAKER's lifespan. Avoid fatty foods, including, bird seed, and high sugar content foods. Sugar turns into fat!!!! ( your QUAKER gets most of his nutritional needs from pellets)

While QUAKERS love dairy products, they don't suckle, as young. Mammals have the natural enzymes, to break down, and digest dairy. This is not a natural thing for Birds, Parrots.  A tiny peace of cheese, or a little dab of plain, no sugar, yogurt, is a nice treat on occasion, but too much can get backed up in the crop, and cause serious bacterial infections, and even death.

Chocolate, and avocado are extremely TOXIC to PARROTS. No coffee, tea, soda, or alcohol. Many fruit seeds, such as, apples, and peaches, contain cyanide. Don't try to guess which are good. Avoid all fruit seeds.

"JUNK FOOD",.....  Do I need to say any more???

Remember, "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT". A healthy diet, and clean environment, add up to a healthy QUAKER.


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FAQ Monk Parakeet-Quaker Parrot

Just a little about the Quaker Parrot.

The Quaker originates from S.E. South America. In particular Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

Myiopsitta monachus monachus - nominate subspecies

Myiopsitta monachus calita - Mendoza Grey-breasted Parakeet

Myiopsitta monachus cotorra - Paraguayan Grey-breasted Parakeet

Myiopsitta monachus luchsi - Luchs's or Bolivian Grey-breasted Parakeet

Most common in the US is monachus monachus, also known as the Monk Parakeet, or Grey-breasted Parakeet.

Here are some of the Quaker Parrot / Monk Parakeet most FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS, FAQ:

1  What does a Quaker Parrot look like?

The Quaker Parrot is a large parrot in a tiny body. He is a little smaller than a Conure, with a larger tail. The QUAKER PARROT is 10-12 inches in length, and weighs 90-130 grams.

While there are several new, an exciting varieties, the QUAKER PARROT is mostly green. The forehead, chin, breast, and belly, have varying shades of gray to blue-gray. The flight feathers, and the underside of the tail, are usually a deep blue. The under-belly, thighs, and sometimes the upper-inner-shoulders are a pale yellow-green. The beak is yellowish-brown. The legs are gray, and the iris is dark brown. See my Pictures of Quaker Parrots.

2 Are Quaker Parrots illegal in some States?

Yes, Quakers are illegal in California, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Wyoming.  This list was made possible by (Jeff Sofa, Linda Greeson, Theresa Jordan, and Quakerville.)

A few States have such tough regulations, that it's near impossible to own them legally. Many other States have laws such as, banding, or clipping requirements.Be sure to check the regulations in your State.

The reasons behind these laws, are the fact that, many people believe the Quaker to be a threat to agriculture, and native species.

Many tests have been done in the US. None have proven the Quaker to be a menace to agriculture, or native species, although, they have been a very costly problem for local utilities.

Because of their habit of nesting on utility poles, power, phone, and cable outages have been reported.

3  What is the personality of the Quaker Parrot?

The Quaker is a very intelligent creature, capable of mimicking many sounds, and human speech. Rare to the "speaking bird" world, is "time appropriate speech".

SMOOCHES  loves music, and loves to dance. It was around 11:00-11:30 PM, and a great song came on. The three of us were in the living room, singing, and dancing. We kept saying "Let's Dance", which he says very well. He didn't dance. He didn't say "let's dance". His reply was, "We Go Beddie-bye?"!! I think these little bundle of feathers may have more sense than we do!!

They are very playful, always wanting to be the "center of attention". While, at first, you may think it's funny that he wants to help you type on your PC, eventually, he'll learn to remove keys from your keypad. OOOOHHH, let's not forget they think they are "surgeons". An out of place anything must be removed. Freckles, moles, scabs, these things "don't belong". "Here let me help you with that"! OOOUUUCCCHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But on the other hand, while sitting quietly, watching your favorite TV program, he'll be coooing, and rubbing his head under your chin, occasionally, whispering in your ear, until he notices your ear ring "Must Be Removed"!!!! You can't help but love these little guys!!!

The Quaker seems to have "no fear". They have been known to chase down large dogs, and cats, children, and adults. I like to think of this behavior as (LPS) Little People Syndrome. While that dog, or cat may be running for dear life, the table could turn quickly! Keep a close eye!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of these behaviors are common to the Quaker, but easily corrected at an early age. Don't loose your cool, and nip it in the bud.

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4  What is the Quakers Life Span?

I can't seem to find any scientific data on the life span of the Wild Quaker, but most estimates I have found, range 4-12 years.

The Quaker Parrot, in captivity, with proper care, and nutrition, can easily live 20-30 years. The Quaker is not really a pet, but more of a companion.

Most people understand the term, "Dog Years". This is a comparison of average Dog Life Span, to average Human Life Span.  Dog average is around 15 years. Human average is around 75 years. This gives a ratio of about 5:1. Using the same formula, we have Quaker years, to Human years. The ratio is, (+-), 2.8:1.

5  Is The Quaker known to have health issues?

The most common health problems with the Quaker Parrots are, Feather Plucking/Self Mutilation, and Fatty Liver Disease (FLD). Fatty Liver Disease is caused from excess fat. A mainly seed diet has too much fat for your fid, and little nutrition. Stick to a mainly pellet diet, supplemented with fresh vegies, and fruit.

Don't leave fresh foods in the bowl much more than an hour. Food goes bad, then, so does your bird. Your little bundle of feathers should have fresh water daily.

Quakers are not vegetarians, they also eat meat. All meats should be cooked "well", and low-no fat. Try to avoid spices. Salt is a bad thing!!!! See my Lists Of Healthy Foods

Feather Plucking can come from a variety of sources. The most common, being boredom, but other serious health issues can also cause the plucking. If you have a plucker/mutilator, consult an Avian Vet ASAP.

Some things you can do to prevent/alter plucking are add/change toys. Spend more time with your fid. Sometimes, relocating the cage is the answer. Extreme plucking can become "self mutilation". This is where the bird starts tearing into it's own flesh. Sometimes, even chewing off it's own toes. Please, don't allow it to go this far!!! If the plucking continues, or worsens, see an avian vet.

Other things that could harm your companion are listed in my Toxic Chemicals Chart.

6  Quakers speaking ability?

Quakers are terrific mimics of sound, and human speach. In the afternoon, I'll be spending some time with SMOOCHES. I stop to take a large drink of water. He listens to the sound of the water coming out of the bottle, pouring into my mouth, even me swallowing. Any time I put something to my mouth, I hear from SMOOCHES, me chugging water.

SMOOCHES came home at about 11 weeks old. His first word was "WHAAAT?!?!!", at about 22 hrs of being home. Now at about a year and a half, he has an extensive vocabulary. Words, and phrases such as, Come 'ere, what are you doin', I'm a very good booooyyyyyyyy, that feels so gooooooood, we go beddie bye, can we go to bed now, and much, much more.

Many words/ phrases are time appropriate. About a 1/4 of a second before he decides to bite, he says ouch!!!!! Unfortunately, this 1/4 of a second, is not enough time for a human to respond. If he's tired of being on his perch, and wants to go home, he says "we go beddie bye", or "can we go to bed". When music is playing, and we start bouncing around, he says "let's dance".

Very few parronts have said, after years, their Quaker has never spoke. A few say their Quaker started speaking at 2-3 months. Most Quakers will say at least a few words, many with a very large vocabulary. Speaking, starting time averages around 6 months old.

7  Do Quakers make good pets?

Quaker Parrots as pets........

First, let's think about pets. Dogs, and cats might live to 12-15 years. The Quaker, with proper care, can live 25+ years. This not a pet, but a family member.

That being said, Quakers make wonderful members of the family. Just as, every dog is different, every cat is different. Every Quaker is different. Some love all humans. Some take to specific humans. Some regard one human as "god", and all others, as targets for blood!!!!

Unlike many other animals, the Quaker is very receptive to training. The Quaker "wants" to learn anything you can throw at him, including proper behavior.

The key to Quaker training is, they are VERY EXCITABLE!!!! When trying to discourage an unwanted behavior, keep your own excitement level to a minimum. When encouraging a behavior, take the excitement level over the top.

All Quakers are trainable. Hand raised would be much easier, but older Quakers, or raised by their parents, may take a bit more time, and patience. No matter the situation, with the proper time, and care, your fid will be a highly valued family member.

8  What is the best diet for the Quaker Parrot?

The Quaker Parrot, in it's natural habitat, generally eats fruits, vegies, seeds, nuts, berries, and insects.

In captivity, the Quaker's diet should start with pellets, (Cockatiel-Conure size is a good place to strat). An all-seed diet does not provide the proper nutrition for your Quaker, and can lead to Fatty Liver Disease. The pellet formula is designed for proper nutrition.

Fresh vegies,and fruits should be added to the diet. Your Quaker will also enjoy, on occasion, rice, pasta, toast, meat, and many other things you eat.

There a few things you may eat, that may harm, or even kill your Quaker.

Take a look at Lists Of Healthy Foods

When giving your Quaker fresh foods, make sure to remove uneaten portions after an hour, or so. We don't want to get him sick, from healthy foods gone bad.

9  What kind/ size of cage should a Quaker have?

Most agree, that 18x18x24 is minimum.  This space barely allows your Quaker full range of motion, along with a perch, and a toy. The bar spacing should be no less than 1/2", and no greater than 5/8". Your Quaker, with proper care, will live 20-30 years. This space would be comparable to you spending your life in an 8x10. Provide your Quaker with as much space as you have, and can afford.

Within the cage, should be several perches, and toys. The perches should vary in size, and shape for the health of your fid's feet. The toys should vary in size, and shape, for health of body, and mind. Moving, and changing toys, and perches will keep your Quaker from boredom. Boredom can cause serious health issues, such as, feather plucking, and self mutilation.

10 What about Quaker's nesting habits?

In the wild, Quakers build large, intricate nests, that may house dozens of mated pairs. These nests are generally referred to as, condos. The Quaker Parrot is the only Parrot that builds a nest. Most Parrots take over abandoned nests, find nesting under brush, or in a hollowed out logs/trees, or even burrow into the ground.

With other Parrots, after mating, raising, and fledging, the nest is again abandoned, waiting for the next mates to find it. For the Quaker, the nest is "home". The Quaker usually attaches it's nest to an existing Quaker nest, forming an apartment-like structure. In some cases, the Quaker has been known to share it's condo with other bird species, and even small rodents. I found 8-10 nests in one tree in N. Miami housing 75-100 Quakers. Here are some pics.

Male and female work together, building the nest, caring for the young, and in general maintenance.

At home, your Quaker may enjoy being given some building materials. Tooth-pics, straws, and yarn are in the favs list. Don't just go outside, and start gathering things for nesting materials. Many things could be toxic to your fid. Here is a list of Toxic Non-Toxic Plants, Trees, and Branches. Pay close attention to germs, molds, fungi, and additives. Materials from the wild, should be cleaned with a mild, bleach-water solution, then sun dried for several days, or put in the oven on 350 F for 30-40 mins. With the proper materials, your Quaker may astonish you with his engineering-know-how.


11 Quaker Parrots Breeding Habbits?

Quakers are very prolific. That does not mean, putting two Quakers together, is going to give you offspring. In that sense, they're a lot like us. We meet, we hit it off, maybe something will happen. If we don't mesh, it aint gonna happen. A male, and female don't just breed. For Quakers, it's a life-long relationship.

Breeding season is generally, early spring, and early fall. It's possible to have another breeding session during the summer.

The Quaker is, usually, sexually mature around 1 1/2 -2 years, although, I've heard of females laying eggs at 6-7 months. Before breeding, an appropriate housing for the young is established. Once the nest is built, it's time to think about raising the young. From successful breeding, to laying is about 25 hrs. Clutch size is 4-8 eggs, avg. 5, with a second clutch following about 4 weeks later. The young are ready to venture from the nest, at around 7-10 weeks old, in captivity, 8-12 weeks.

12 How much do Quakers cost?

You could easily spend thousands, on a large parrot, whom looks great, and speaks very well, but not much of a personality. The Quaker is a HUGE parrot in a tiny body. He may not have all those beautiful colors, but his speech, and personality, more than make for it.

Depending on where you live, and if you buy from a breeder, or a pet store, the price would be $50-$300. For a "Blue", $200-$800. There are other varieties, not as common, that may fetch much more money, if you can find them.

13 Is my Quaker Parrot Pregnant?

Pregnancy is described as, the Embryo attaching inside the Mother, being carried through term, live birth, and suckling. Based on this, Quaker Parrots do not get "Pregnant".

After Quaker Parrots breed, if the eggs are fertilized, after around 25 hours, the hen lays an egg, with another one following every other day. Average cluch size, 4-8 eggs. A second cluch may follow in about 4 weeks. The eggs are incubated in a nest 24-28 days. Just because they're breeding, that doesn't mean eggs will follow. Some hens never lay eggs. Some hens, with out a mate, will lay repeatedly.

The male and female take turns guarding the nest, and searching for food, and maintenance materials. This is not a common practice to all birds.

You can provide your Quakers with a nesting box, and nesting materials. Following hatching, hand feeding will take 8- 12 weeks.

Since your asking if she's "Pregnant", she may be "egg bound". Is she remaining at the bottom of the cage? Does she appear swollen under the rump? If so, see an Avian Vet Immediately!!!!!!!!!!

14 What are the differences between Male and Female Quakers Parrots?

Basically, there are no obvious differences between male, and female Quakers. In fact, the only reliable sexing tool, is DNA testing. This testing can be done with blood, or with "blood feathers".

Most "Quaker Slaves", say they don't see any real difference between their male, and female Quakers.

15 What is the difference between Green and Blue Quaker Parrots?

The major difference between Greens and Blues, is obviously, the color.

Average weight for a greem Quaker Parrot is 90-130 grams. Most people agree that the Blues are a bit smaller. SMOOCHES, a Blue Quaker, is nearly 2 years old, and averages 90 grams.That's on the small end of the scale for Greens.

Most people say that Blues have a slightly, milder attitude than Greens. SMOOCHES, as wonderful as he is, can be very pushy, and stubborn.

While preening, kissing, and cooing, he may notice a freckle, a piece of jewelry, a sore, or maybe even an impression  on your shirt. These things "Must Be Removed"!!!

These self proclaimed "Dermatologists" have obviously, never heard of "Anesthesia"! If the Blues are milder, I can only image, the Greens are "Sadists"!!!!! HHHaaa!!!!!!!!!

16 Where does the name "Quaker Parrot" "Monk Parakeet" come from?


The young Quaker Parrot has a habit of shaking, or "Quaking". This habit lessons with age, although, seen in adults on occasion. It is thought that this is the origin of the name "Quaker Parrot".

We've all heard of "Robbin-Red-Breast". The name pretty much says it all. The Quaker Parrot / Monk Parakeet has a Gray Breast, hence the name "Grey-Breasted-Parakeet". This coloring, also resembles the wardrobe of a "Monk Priest". It is believed, this is the origin of the name "Monk Parakeet". Oh, by the way, the coloring of the Quaker Parrot also resembles the wardrobe of the early "Quakers".

17 Where did the Blue Quaker, and other Quaker Mutations come from?

The Blue Quaker Parrot Was first noticed, in the wild, in Belgium, in the 1950's. A well known "Bird Raiser" of the time, "The Duke of Bedford", had several pairs caught for him. It is believed that all Blue Quakers come from this stock.

In the 80's and 90's, several pairs were shipped to U.S. breeders. Over a couple decades of testing, and research, breeders have found, almost all colors of Cockatiels can be realized in Quakers. Through this testing, many Mutations have come about. The Blue is the most prevalent. Other Mutations include Yellow, Cinnamon, Pied, Pearl, Pallid, Lutino, Albino, and a few others, plus combinations of the afore mentioned.

Take a look at "Blue Quakers" for more info on the "Tweaking of Colors".

18 Where can I learn more about Quaker Parrots?

You can find a great deal of info @

jayteesquakerparrots HOME

This page outline, and some info was borrowed from Shelly Lane @, and


Health and Care of Your QUAKER PARROT

Health and Care of Your QUAKER PARROT

The Quaker Parrot is a very tough little Parrot. While Quakers originate from S.E. S. America, wild colonies can be found in Southern Canada, parts of the U.S., Central, and S. America, and parts of Australia, and Europe. The Quaker is able to adapt to, almost, anything Mother Nature can throw at it, but that doesn't mean, you don't need to take precautions. There are many things that can harm your little green monster.

For instance, most house hold plants are toxic to your fid. Most house hold chemicals are also toxic. (Non-Stick Cook Ware can kill the little guy)!! Do a little homework, and "Parrot-Safe" your house.

A question debated for decades is, "should I clip the wings?" Many people have varying reasons for their answers. Some are location (ease of escape). Another might be Human traffic. Are the doors being opened and closed all day? (possible escape). Another might be things around the house; ceiling fans, open toilets, plants, lamps, etc.

These are all good reasons to clip your fid. On the other hand, if you choose to not clip, these and many other things need to be "Bird-Safed".

Your Quaker needs fresh food and water daily. The diet should be mainly pellets, but can be supplemented with many treats, and Human foods There are many Human foods that are great for your fid, while others may be harmful, or toxic.

Cleanliness is a must! Your little bundle of feathers can get sick from his own fecal matter. Food dropped on the floor, can attract insects, and rodents.

Personal Hygiene is high priority. Always wash your hands before handling your baby. Your baby's hygiene is also a must. For Quakers in the wild, bathing is a communal event. Introduce your Quaker to bathing, by doing it yourself. Provide a water source, wiggle your fingers in it, splash around. Make it a game. This is completely, trial and error. Some like bowls. Some like large, shallow things, like pie, or cake pans. Some like to be misted. Some like the shower. SMOOCHES usually bathes in his spare water dish, but he loves to take a shower in the sink. After bathing, is "Your Quiet Time". Your little monster is going to spend, at least, an hour preening, picking, and drying. Enjoy this moment!!!!

Your baby is going to need someplace to call home. Minimum, recommended cage size for a Quaker Parrot, is 18x18x24, bar spacing,1/2"-5/8".  This space, barely allows for the bird to stretch to full extent, have a toy, and a perch. Your little monster is going to be around for 20-30 years. Allow him as much space as you have, and can afford.

Toys are a must. Quakers are highly energetic. While your not around, they need something to keep them entertained. Change toys, and perches around, periodically. This will aid in keeping the mind, and body active.

When you first get your master, consider how much time you'll be spending with him on a regular basis. Start your time together with this amount of estimated amount of time. A lot of time time now, followed by not much time later, can cause serious behavioral issues.

You can find many other hints, and tips by browsing my site.


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PetSmart - Wild Bird

Nesting and Breeding


The QUAKER PARROT matures at 1-2 yrs., usually, closer to 2, although, some have shown signs of sexual maturity at 7-8 months.

Breeding season seems to vary by region.

Due to the popularity of the Quaker, originating in South America, they are now found in Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, and the US. Given this global expanse, breeding season seems to vary by climate, and location. Generally, Mid-Fall to Early-Spring. Breeding season lasts about 6-10 weeks.

Incubation  time is 23-28 days.

Egg Laying

After breeding, if the eggs are fertilized, the hen will lay her first egg in about 25 hours. Another egg will follow every other day. The average “clutch” is 4-8 eggs, with a second clutch following , in about 4 weeks.

It's important to know that some hens never lay eggs. On the other hand, some hens, with out a mate, can lay eggs. If you have a single female laying, do not remove the egg(s), unless broken. This will only encourage more laying. Allow her to sit the eggs. Usually, after a week or two, she'll realize the eggs are not developing and abandon them. At this point, you can safely remove the eggs. Don't forget the second clutch in about 4 weeks. To avoid this, cut day light time to 10-12 hours, (the mating hormone in is triggered by light) this will help curb the urge to lay. Limiting the light can be done by moving the cage to a darker room, pulling drapes early, turning lights on and off later/earlier. It depends on your fids location and circumstances.

Egg laying can deplete her of Calcium. This needs to be supplemented with Calcium Rich Foods. Some foods rich in Calcium are broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, apple, mango, cucumber, tomatoes, rice, hard beans (cooked), pasta, eggs (and shells), dark orange veggies; carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and many grains.

Vitamin and Mineral supplements can also be purchased in the form of liquid, or powder.

It's not uncommon for the parents to destroy the eggs, and sometimes eat them. In many cases, where the hen eats the egg(s), it's due to a Calcium deficiency.

Then comes the growth cycle. The babies are fledged ( weaned by natural parents) in six to eight weeks. Hand fed are weaned in eight to twelve weeks. Individuals vary.

Quaker Parrots don't actually get pregnant, so there's not a gestation period. After successful breeding, it takes around 25 hours for the first egg to be developed, and laid.

QUAKERS are “the only” PARROT that "build" nests

Most PARROTS “nest” in hollowed trees. Some find their nests in rock formations, while others, under brush. Some even burro into the ground.

Unique to the  “QUAKER PARROT”, is their communal living arrangements.
Many Parrots nest near each other. There is safety in numbers.

Many "birds" build nests for breeding purposes, then abandon after season.

The QUAKER’s nest is "home".

More interesting is the fact that
QUAKERS attach their nests to existing  nests.

Many refer to these living arrangements  as “condos”. These condos may occupy dozens of mated pairs. Some condos have been estimated to weigh several hundred pounds.

Each individual unit, in the condo, has it’s own entrance. These units are generally divided into three chambers. The most obvious, being the living space. Second, would be the entrance. Some call it the front porch. I like to call it the “helipad”. The place for take off, and landing. The third, would be the bedroom. The magical place for incubating, and caring for the young.

Your new parents will require a nest for the eggs/young.

Nesting Boxes are designed several different ways. They can be mounted inside the cage. Some larger cages have an extra door, this is for mounting the nesting box out side the cage.

Nesting materials will also be required.

A favorite among breeders is Pine Shavings. You may be able to find these at your local Pet Shop, or maybe Craft Shop. Place the materials at the bottom of the cage. Mom and Dad will know what to do.

You may want to provide Building Materials during Non-Breeding Season. Your Quaker may enjoy toothpics, popcicle sticks, straws, yarn, string, rope (keep these to minimal length 4-6 inches to avoid the fid being tangled). Also sticks, branches, grasses, children's toys similar to tinker.

IMPORTANT: before supplying Building Materials, think about what they consist of. Many things have dyes and other chemicals that may harm your fid. Plants out side (and in) may harm your fid. Take a look at Safe Trees, and Branches, also Toxic Chemicals. If you choose to provide branches from outside, be sure to wash thoroughly with a mild bleach/water solution, rinse well, and dry before offering them to your fid.

QUAKERS are highly energetic.

The QUAKER is constantly on the search for food, and building materials. The “condo”, seems to  always be in need of repair, and maintainence.

The pics you’re seeing here, are several condos in “ONE” tree. Miami Shores, just off Biscayne Bay. I hope you enjoy!!!!
If your interested in a private condo for your QUAKER, click here.


I'm looking for:

PetSmart - Bird

Baby Quaker Parrots

Babies: a short description of breeding, nesting, incubation, and raising the young.

Quaker Parrots' breeding season varies a bit by location. November - March. (In the Northern Hemisphere) One breeder in Australia, says breeding season can range from Aug. to Feb.Generally, about a one and a half month cycle.

After successful breeding, an egg can be expected in, around,25-28 hours, with an additional egg following every other day. A second cluch may follow about 4 weeks later. Cluch size averages around five eggs. Incubation, 24-28 days. The babies are weened in about 6-8 weeks. Hand feeding, takes another 2-3 weeks. 

Quaker Pregnant Parrot? I think my Quaker Parrot Is Pregnant. Is my Quaker Parrot Pregnant?

Pregnancy described, Non-Scientifically; Basically, Pregnancy requires a couple of variables. The embryo, inside the mother's womb, must attach itself to the mother, for life giving exchanges of nutrients, and excretions. The mother must deliver "Live Birth". The new-born must suckle from the mother. These, and a few other things, equal "pregnancy".

While some people think Quaker Parrots get pregnant, they don't. Pregnancy is common to, mainly, mammals. There are exceptions to this. I know of some sharks and snakes that incubate the eggs in a womb-like setting, and give live birth, but the Embryos do not attach to the mother, and the newly born, do not suckle.

Because birds don't suckle, they don't have the necessary enzymes to break down dairy products. A small amount of low-fat, no-sugar dairy, on occasion, won't harm your fid, but a large amount can back up in the crop, and develope bacterial contamination. This can lead to severe health issues, even death.

Again, Quakers do not get pregnant. Quakers breed then lay their eggs in a nest.

In the wild, Young Quakers are ready to leave the nest, around 8-10 weeks. In captivity, it's around 9-12 weeks. 

Once the babies are fledged, (ready to leave the nest) they are ready to start building their own nest.

Usually, a Quaker will attach it's new nest to an existing one, but occasionally, the young Quaker will go off on his own, and start a "new nest". Hence, the beginning of a new "condo".


I'm looking for:

PetSmart - Wild Bird

Try Adoption


Before you go out to buy that tiny, little, bundle of feathers, I’d like to remind you, that many Parrots live to a very OLD age. 45- 80 yrs.

Many Parrots out-live their companions. Where do these Parrots go?

Most often, family members “attempt” to “rescue" these wonderful creatures.
Although they mean well, many times, they don’t realize the time, and
dedication involved.

Most Parrots require interaction on a regular basis. Many people, simply don’t have time in their schedule for this on going need for attention. Others may not understand the Feeding, Grooming, Toys, etc…. needs.

In many cases, these parrots are given up to “Adoption Agencies”.

There are quite a few agencies out there. Here are just a few that I’ve selected for you to consider.
feathered friends

Dogs, and cats, generally live to 8- 16 years. These are “pets”, that you realize from “day-one”, won’t be around for ever. Parrots, on the other hand, (depending on species) can live 9- 80 yrs. This is not a pet your bringing into your home!!!! It could be  a life-long companion!!!!

Before purchasing, and bringing home your new “companion”, you MUST ask yourself (2) questions.

#1; Am I Willing to take on this “life-long companionship”?

#2; Should I go for that “Little bundle of feathers”, or should I “Save that 25 year old guy, that lost his companion”?

I, being the “selfish bastard that I am”, went for the “little bundle of feathers”.

I am truly compassionate about saving these beautiful creatures.

I strongly, urge you. Don’t be the “selfish bastard” that I was!!!!!!!!!!

Please consider saving a “companion”, who “lost his companion”
Chances are, you’ll have a friend for life.

I only offered a couple of sites. Please, don’t be afraid to look around! There are many more awesome sites out there.

Now, go out there, and save your new friend!!!!!!!!!!

Don't stop now! There are still three more pages of info.


I'm looking for:

PetSmart - Bird

Blue Quaker Parrots

The Blue Quaker

The blue Quaker was first noticed in the wild, in Belgium, in the 1950's. A well known Bird Keeper ,and breeder in England, The Duke of Bedford, had several pairs caught for him. It's believed that all blues, come from this stock.

Through the mid to late 1900's several pairs of Blue Quakers were imported to the U.S., to a couple of breeders. These breeders started selling their offspring to other breeders. This is where the abundance of Blue Quakers, in the U.S., comes from.

What Makes A Quaker Parrot Blue?

Lets discuss color for a moment. "White Light" has all colors that Human eyes can distinguish. When we see an object that appears red, what is really happening is, that object is absorbing the other colors of "White Light", and only allowing us to see the red.

Generally, we see a Quaker Parrot as green. The Quaker Parrot has a pigment gene that makes the feathers appear yellow. At the same time, a different gene gives the feathers structure. The structure of the feather has a kind of prism effect, reflecting light to appear blue. The combination of blue light, and yellow feathers, makes the Quaker appear green.

When the pigment gene is less prevalent, the blue shows more dominantly. When the structure gene is less prevalent, the yellow shows more dominantly.When both are minimally present, we have a Pallid. With both absent, we have an Albino.

This is basically were Blue Quakers, and Yellow Quakers come from. You can find more scientific data by searching something like, "avian genetics".

Take a close look at SMOOCHES' feathers. (Photo above^) He is not a Pearl, but notice how the shades of blue seem to change through out the feathers. This is very similar to what a pearl, of any color, might look like. With a Pearl, the varying shades are much more prevalent.

Some of the other varieties include Cinnamon, Pied, and Lutino


I'm looking for:

PetSmart - Bird




Almost a year ago, I bought my girlfriend a QUAKER PARROT. She's had "BIRDS"
before, so I knew she could handle it. I, on the other hand had no idea
what to expect. I'm totally amazed by, what this little bundle of
feathers, is capable of.

I'd like you to meet "SMOOCHES".

Smooches is a BLUE QUAKER.

About 2 1/2 years ago, "K" went to the pet store, for turtle food. She told me she saw a "beautiful BLUE QUAKER", and wanted to bring him home that day. Over the next couple of weeks, I kept hearing, "I went back..... he's still there....... he's so
beautiful....". Then one day, she said "he's gone! Someone bought him!"

I was on a "mission".

Gotta find a "BLUE" for my baby.

Finally, after over two years of searching, I was told, "we have two BLUE QUAKERS coming in today". FEB. 13, PERFECT!!!!!!!!! I kept wondering, do I decide between the two?.......... While filling out the paper work, "ONE" was delivered. I guess the choice was made!!!!

We spent the next several weeks, visiting this tiny little bundle of joy, as much as possible. Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time to come home!!! Then came the bad news!!! "AS MUCH AS YOU WANT TO HOLD HIM, AND CUDDLE HIM, YOU NEED TO AVOID CONTACT, AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, FOR TWO DAYS". (Birds need to get accustomed to their environment). Hard as it was, we did as instructed.

During the first evening, and following day, he did quite a bit of SCREECHING. When he did, we (usually, simultaneously), would say what!!!! Within about 22 hrs. of being brought home, he said his first word. "WHAT!!!!!!". Since then , it's been a roller coaster ride.

The words/phrases he's learned to say, the sounds he mimics, are astounding!!!!!!! "COME 'ERE", "WATCHA DOIN'", "I'M A VERY GOOD BOY",just a small example. The sound of, "CHUGGING WATER FROM A BOTTLE", "WOLF WHISTLE", "THE SOUND OF A REALLY WET KISS". On top of all that, "24", I repeat, "24" "BIRD CALLS HE LEARNED FROM 2 (COO- COO CLOCKS)!!!!!!!!!!!

When the "GODS" made the decision for me, on which of the two, they must have known what they were doing!!!!

I don't think you can hope for, such a great outcome , in such a short time. But if your looking for a "great talker, for a reasonable price", the QUAKER is the way to go!!!!!!!!!!


I'm looking for:

PetSmart - Wild Bird

Monk Parakeet (Quaker Parrot)

About The MONK PARAKEET......

Facts and Info

MONK PARAKEET....Myiopsitta monachus

originates from South America. Specifically, ARGENTINA, BRAZIL, PARAGUAY, and URUGUAY.

The "QUAKER" parrot was transported to the US, and parts of EUROPE, through the '70's, '80's, and less in the '90's, to present. Wild "MONKS" through-out the AMERICAS, and EUROPE, it is believed, are due to "shipments being lost, and or opened", "the release of unwanted pets", or the "escape of pets".


The "FERAL" MONKS can generally be found in low-lying areas, around cities, or suburbs. (MONKS seem to love being near HUMANS, not likely to be found out in the wild). Monk Parakeets generally make their homes in trees, although, it's not uncommon to find them nesting in utility poles. For this , and other reasons, they have been banned from some STATES.

Parakeets, budgies, and a few others are all of the Parrot family. Because of it’s size and long tail, the Monk is generally referred to as, a Parakeet. Monk Parrots are known for their ability to mimic sounds, and human speech. While the Monk’s speech, may not be as clear as the "AFRICAN GREY", or some of the "AMAZONS", the Monk is considered to be in "THE TOP TEN SPEAKING BIRDS".

The MONK is mostly green. The forehead, chin, breast, and belly, have varying shades of gray to blue-gray.The flight feathers, and the underside of the tail, are usually a deep blue. The under-belly,thighs, and sometimes upper-inner-shoulders are a pale yellow-green.The beak is yellowish-brown. The legs are gray, and the iris is dark brown.

The name “MONK”, may have come from their resemblance to a Monk Priest with his long white beard, and his hood pulled over his head. The name “QUAKER”, Many think, comes from the young chick’s occasional, uncontrollable shaking, or “Quaking”.

The MONK is a fun loving, energetic creature. MONKS love their toys, swings, bells, etc.

MONKS need to be kept occupied. Spend as much time with your MONK as you can!! Placing his cage where the family is, most often, will help to make him a more social family member.

The Monk requires constant stimulus. Moving toys, and exchanging toys will keep him on his toes.

He will destroy his toys. The ones most destroyed, are probably favorites. Replace
those with similar, but not the same. These minor changes will keep the brain, and body active. Spend time with your MONK. The more time you spend playing, and talking, the more he will want to spend with you, playing , and talking. While the MONK is a very "socialistic creature",
in nature, it can be very "anti-socialistic" in captivity. The MONK can take over the “ROOST”. "DON'T REACH INTO MY CAGE!!!", "DON'T TOUCH MY TOYS", "DON'T TOUCH MY FOOD/WATER", etc............. His cage is his “HOME”. He will defend it at “ALL COSTS”.

This little guy can “TAKE OVER YOUR LIFE", if you let him. On the other hand, this
little bundle of feathers can bring such joy into your life........ Middle of the day, when he thinks he‘s alone, he'll start saying everything he knows to say............jabber, jabber. It's a real riot, sometimes hysterical. Talking, singing, whistling........Just hide around the corner. It’s possible you’ll here him say something, you never heard him say before!!! The more time and love you
spend with your new companion, the more time and love he will give to you!!!

Did I mention adopt? Many Parrots grow to a very old age, and lose their companions. Please consider adoption!!!!


I'm looking for:

PetSmart - Bird

Parrot Pics/Photos

QUAKER PARROT Pictures, Original. Miami-Dade County, Broward County, South-East Fl.

These are photos I captured near home, and near work. Broward County, and Miami- Dade-County Fl.

In this collection of Quaker-Monk pictures, you'll find pics of Quaker condos, pictures of Quaker Parrots bathing, even some photos of wild Nanday Conures. Oh, and don't forget the pictures of a Blue Quaker (SMOOCHES),bathing.

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There's still more info!!


